Contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris
Contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

With this strong background, I certainly believe that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make a good contribution to your company. To enhance my background, I have taken some courses in computer graphics and database, and I have experience in and an understanding of the design of databases. At POLITEKNIK, my research work involves Compilation of Relational Queries into Network DML. The function covers vector, character and curve generation, windowing, shading, and transformations. Before coming to POLITEKNIK Negeri Manado, I designed, supervised, and completed a CAD system. I am currently looking for a position related to Database/Graphics Package Design in the research and development department of a major company.

contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

Bethesada No.2 4 Manado Dear Personnel Director: I am a graduate student in Computer Science at POLITEKNIK Negeri Manado, and I will be awarded an M.S.

Contoh cv dan surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris